Travel In Advance and For Real

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Why not tap, slide and flick instead of type?

Before the age of the personal computer and the hand-carried smart devices, planning to travel was a tedious process.

It has now become a two finger process, or in my case, a single forefinger screen tap or touch and slide. On occasion when changing the zoom-level of the screen, a fore-finger and thumb will usually do the job.

When preparing for a guided tour in Ireland, I tried something new: the preparation of web-pages with some helpful links which help me in knowing what to expect, and to better understand what I see, and since the hearing is not what it use to be and I can't walk fast enough to be close to the quide, I arrive in spots where the quide pauses to elaborate, sometimes half-way through the speaking and pointing phase. So with the following pages, I have prepared some information which will make me ready to see for real the sites, in this case the sites on the Island called "Ireland".

At the top of each page in the string of pages dedicated to the stops on the tour, I have added links which allow the back and forth traversal of the sites and link to Wikipedia, Google and whereever else already prepared descriptions and images exist which will serve to fill me in (in advance and as experienced). I am happy to share this with individuals who like the idea of not having to type using the screen typewriter, where to go and so forth.

Some Modern Ways to listen to radio

here there and everywhere: